
刊名Hart's E&P

E & P哈氏石油勘探与生产2005~2020
Petroleum Engineer International哈氏石油勘探与生产2003~2003


1998 1999 2003 2004 2005

1998, vol.71, no.1 1998, vol.71, no.10 1998, vol.71, no.11 1998, vol.71, no.12 1998, vol.71, no.2 1998, vol.71, no.2 F
1998, vol.71, no.3 1998, vol.71, no.4 1998, vol.71, no.5 1998, vol.71, no.6 1998, vol.71, no.7 1998, vol.71, no.8
1998, vol.71, no.9

A unique PDC bit design for directional drilling 19981998, vol.71, no.2
BBL: getting it right, keeping it simple 19981998, vol.71, no.2
Calculating limits for torsion and tensile loads on drill pipeE. I. Bailey; J. E. Smith19981998, vol.71, no.2
Custom designed rock bits solve specific problems 19981998, vol.71, no.2
Effects of permeability anisotropy and layering on well test interpretationJ. P. Spivey; A. M. Aly; W. J. Lee19981998, vol.71, no.2
New bit design addresses specific directional problems in deep gulf wells 19981998, vol.71, no.2
New generation motor bits increase ROP, reduce costs 19981998, vol.71, no.2
New steerable PDC technology introduced 19981998, vol.71, no.2
Probabilistic development modelingJ. S. Blinten; T. Riis19981998, vol.71, no.2
Rig cuisine: turning it out rightG. Greenberg19981998, vol.71, no.2