
刊名Microsystem technologies

Journal of Information Storage and Processing Systems存储与处理系统信息杂志2000~2001


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2000, vol.6, no.3 2000, vol.6, no.4 2000, vol.6, no.5 2000, vol.6, no.6

Alternative resist adhesion and electroplating layers for LIGA processA. El-Kholi; K. Bade; J. Mohr; F. J. Pantenburg; X. -M. Tang20002000, vol.6, no.5
Chemically inert membrane separator fabricated with the AMANDA-processZ. Rummler; W. Bacher; V. Saile; W. K. Schomburg20002000, vol.6, no.5
Dimensional measurement of high aspect ratio micro structures with a resonating micro cantilever probeM. Yamamoto; H. Takeuchi; S. Aoki20002000, vol.6, no.5
Fabrication of microstructure using fluorinated polyimide and silicone-based positive photoresistT. Ito; R. Sawada; E. Higurashi; T. Kiyokura20002000, vol.6, no.5
High aspect ratio micromachining (HARM) technologies for microinertial devicesM. McNie; D. King; C. Vizard; A. Holmes; K. W. Lee20002000, vol.6, no.5
High-aspect-ratio WC-Co microstructure produced by the combination of LIGA and micro-EDMK. Takahata; N. Shibaike; H. Guckel20002000, vol.6, no.5
Metal oxide gas sensor for high temperature applicationT. Gessner; K. Gottfried; R. Hoffmann; C. Kaufmann; U. Weiss; E. Charetdinov; P. Hauptmann; R. Lucklum; B. Zimmermann; U. Dietel; G. Springer; M. Vogel20002000, vol.6, no.5
Net shape ceramic microcomponents by modified sol-gel castingC. M. Chan; G. Z. Cao; T. G. Stoebe20002000, vol.6, no.5
Why CMOS-integrated transducers? a reviewA. Witvrouw; F. Van Steenkiste; D. Maes; L. Haspeslagh; P. Van Gerwen; P. De Moor; S. Sedky; C. Van Hoof; A. C. De Vries; A. Verbist; A. De Caussemaeker; B. Parmentier; K. Baert20002000, vol.6, no.5