
刊名Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde

International Journal of Materials Research国际材料研究杂志2014~2024


1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 2012 2013 2014 2018

2009, vol.100, no.1 2009, vol.100, no.10 2009, vol.100, no.11 2009, vol.100, no.12 2009, vol.100, no.2 2009, vol.100, no.3
2009, vol.100, no.4 2009, vol.100, no.5 2009, vol.100, no.6 2009, vol.100, no.7 2009, vol.100, no.8 2009, vol.100, no.9

Physical aspects of plastic deformation in Mg-Al alloys with Sr and CaZuzanka Trojanova; Pavel Lukac20092009, vol.100, no.3
Fe-Al materials for structural applications at high temperatures: Current research at MPIEMartin Palm20092009, vol.100, no.3
Very high cycle fatigue behaviour of as-extruded AZ31, AZ80, and ZK60 magnesium alloysFrantisek Novy; Milos Janecek; Viktor Skorik; Julia Muller; Lothar Wagner20092009, vol.100, no.3
Phase composition and morphology development in WE-type alloys modified by high Zn contentBohumil Smola; Ivana Stulikova; Nad'a Zaludova; Frantisek Hnilica; Vit Janik; Vladivoj Ocenasek20092009, vol.100, no.3
Microstructural investigation of the failure mechanisms after creep exposure of Mg-Y-Nd-Zn-Mn alloyVit Janik; Frantisek Hnilica; Bohumil Smola; Ivana Stulikova; Vladivoj Ocenasek20092009, vol.100, no.3
Theoretical investigation of phase equilibria by the continuous displacement cluster variation methodTetsuo Mohri20092009, vol.100, no.3
Alloying behaviour of binary transition metal systemsVaclav Paidar; Olivier Hardouin Duparc20092009, vol.100, no.3
Surface composition of a Ag-5.1Cu (mass%) alloyJaroslava Vanickova; Janez Kovac; Jiri Ded; Pavel Lejcek; Zoran Samardzija; Anton Zalar20092009, vol.100, no.3
Temperature and strain rate dependent flow criterion for bcc transition metals based on atomistic analysis of dislocation glideRoman Groger; Vaclav Vitek20092009, vol.100, no.3
Strain-hardening behaviour of AZ31 magnesium alloysJaroslav Balik; Pavel Lukac; Zdenek Drozd; Radomir Kuzel20092009, vol.100, no.3