


2009 2010 2011

2010, vol.65, no.1 2010, vol.65, no.2 2010, vol.65, no.3 2010, vol.65, no.4

Non-destructive analysis of defects and vibrations of a sheet of paperK. Ragulskis; E. Kibirkstis; V. Miliunas; V. Bivainis; L. Gegeckiene; L. Ragulskis20102010, vol.65, no.1
The ultrasonic wave interaction with porosity defects in welded rail headE. Jasiuniene; E. Zukauskas20102010, vol.65, no.1
The calculation of near and far fields for acoustic antennas consisting of piezoelectric rectangular bimorph transducers in flexural vibrationA. Petrauskas20102010, vol.65, no.1
Transducers with piezoelements in circuits of electric filtersV. Sharapov; R. Kazys; A. Vladisauskas; L. Kunitskaya; Zh. Sotula; V. Tuz; K. Bazilo20102010, vol.65, no.1
Piezoceramic scanners on the basis of planar bimorph piezoelements for scanning probe nanomicroscopesV. Sharapov; R. Kazys; A. Vladisauskas; S. Filimonov20102010, vol.65, no.1
Investigation of human skin using pulse-echo ultrasonic technique: review and developmentR. Raisutis; E. Jasiuniene; D. Jasaitiene; S. Valiukeviciene20102010, vol.65, no.1
Ultrasound attenuation dependence on air compression or expansion processesL. Jakevicius; A. Demcenko; R. Mardosaite20102010, vol.65, no.1
An impact of acoustical waves on a cylindrical shellD. Guzas20102010, vol.65, no.1
Modeling of adaptive hydrodynamic segmental bearingsA. Cereska; V. Vekteris20102010, vol.65, no.1