
刊名Automotive industries


1998 1999 2004 2005 2006 2007
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2020 2021 2022 2023

2013, vol.192, no.1 2013, vol.192, no.2 2013, vol.192, no.3 2013, vol.192, no.4

Harnessing the power of e-CommerceEd Richardson20132013, vol.192, no.4
Cutting-edge technology puts agents and dealers out frontEd Richardson20132013, vol.192, no.4
Look before you leapEd Richardson20132013, vol.192, no.4
Cutting VOC emissions: Why the shop-floor offers new ways to drive Lean ManufacturingNick Palmen20132013, vol.192, no.3
Rebuilding the Missouri auto industryEsther Francis20132013, vol.192, no.3
Light adds personal touch to automotive interiorsMichael Bender20132013, vol.192, no.3
UK: a nascent market or the dumping ground of EuropeAndrew Jackson20132013, vol.192, no.2
Developing the right mix for greener paint shopsJon Knox20132013, vol.192, no.2
Robots improving materials handling efficiencies while reducing costsJames Hilton20132013, vol.192, no.2
100 million Gal/yr biodiesel unit fires up in 2014Bob Brooks20132013, vol.192, no.2