
刊名Low temperature physics


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

2014, vol.40, no.1 2014, vol.40, no.10 2014, vol.40, no.11 2014, vol.40, no.12 2014, vol.40, no.2 2014, vol.40, no.3
2014, vol.40, no.4 2014, vol.40, no.5 2014, vol.40, no.6 2014, vol.40, no.7 2014, vol.40, no.8 2014, vol.40, no.9

Critical field for dynamic transitions in two-dimensional electron crystals under liquid heliumSyvokon, V. E.; Nasyedkin, K. A.; Sharapova, I. V.20142014, vol.40, no.11
"Resonance" phenomena in a magnetic system under simultaneous torsion and pressurePashinskaya, E. G.; Zavorotnev, Yu. D.20142014, vol.40, no.11
Specific aspects of heat transfer in solid tetrahydrofuranKonstantinov, V. A.; Sagan, V. V.; Revyakin, V. P.; Karachevtseva, A. V.20142014, vol.40, no.11
On stability of water and heavy-water nanoclusters in a nitrogen cryomatrixDrobyshev, A.; Aldiyarov, A.; Katpaeva, K.; Korshikov, E.; Kurnosov, V.; Shinbayeva, A.20142014, vol.40, no.11
Experimental observation of induced stochastic transitions in a multiwall potential of an rf-SQUID loopTurutanov, O. G.; Lyakhno, V. U.; Shnyrkov, V. I.20142014, vol.40, no.11
Magnetic properties of the quantum Shastry-Sutherland model with spin S=1/2Slavin, V. V.; Krivchikov, A. A.20142014, vol.40, no.11
Spin-transport effects in electron systems on liquid helium surfacesKalinenko, A. N.; Kopeliovich, A. I.; Pyshkin, P. V.; Yanovsky, A. V.20142014, vol.40, no.11
Properties of ferromagnetic film hysteresis, on the surface of a hard-magnetic antiferromagnet, with a domain structureKovalev, A. S.; Pankratova, M. L.20142014, vol.40, no.11
Linear magneto-optical effect in the incommensurate phase of antiferromagnetic LiNiPO4Kharchenko, Yu. M.; Miloslavskaya, O. V.; Kharchenko, M. F.20142014, vol.40, no.11
Temperature dependence of the spectra of elementary excitations for anisotropic S=1 ferromagneticsButrim, V. I.; Kosmachev, O. A.; Fridman, Yu. A.20142014, vol.40, no.11