
刊名Robotics and Autonomous Systems


1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
2021 2022 2023 2024

2016, vol.75, no.Pt.A 2016, vol.75, no.Pt.B 2016, vol.76 2016, vol.77 2016, vol.78 2016, vol.79
2016, vol.80 2016, vol.81 2016, vol.82 2016, vol.83 2016, vol.84 2016, vol.85
2016, vol.86

UAV-based multiple source localization and contour mapping of radiation fieldsNewaz, Abdullah Al Redwan; Jeong, Sungmoon; Lee, Hosun; Ryu, Hyejeong; Chong, Nak Young20162016, vol.85
An online background subtraction algorithm deployed on a NAO humanoid robot based monitoring systemHu, Yang; Sirlantzis, Konstantinos; Howells, Gareth; Ragot, Nicolas; Rodriguez, Paul20162016, vol.85
Multimodal adaptive interfaces for 3D robot-mediated upper limb neuro-rehabilitation: An overview of bio-cooperative systemsSimonetti, Davide; Zollo, Loredana; Papaleo, Eugenia; Carpino, Giorgio; Guglielmelli, Eugenio20162016, vol.85
Road detection algorithm for Autonomous Navigation Systems based on dark channel prior and vanishing point in complex road scenesLi Yong; Ding Weili; Zhang XuGuang; Ju Zhaojie20162016, vol.85
Monocular visual odometry: A cross-spectral image fusion based approachSappa, Angel D.; Aguilera, Cristhian A.; Carvajal Ayala, Juan A.; Oliveira, Miguel; Vintimilla, Boris X.; Toledo, Ricardo; Romero, Dennis20162016, vol.85
Multi-contact haptic exploration and grasping with tactile sensorsSommer, Nicolas; Billard, Aude20162016, vol.85
Active binaural localization of multiple sound sourcesZhong, Xuan; Sun, Liang; Yost, William20162016, vol.85
Cognition, cognitics, and team action-Overview, foundations, and five theses for a better worldDessimoz, Jean-Daniel20162016, vol.85