
刊名Journal of nuclear engineering and radiation science


2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023

2020, vol.6, no.1 2020, vol.6, no.2 2020, vol.6, no.3 2020, vol.6, no.4

ASME-NED Chair's MessageShripad T. Revankar20202020, vol.6, no.1
Greetings From JSME and the Report on ICONE27Tomio Okawa20202020, vol.6, no.1
Professor Masahiro Kawaji on His 65th BirthdayMohamed M. Awad; Sanjoy Banerjee; Vijay K. Dhir; Paolo Di Marco; Satish G. Kandlikar; Michael Kauffeld; Masahiro Shoji; John R. Thome20202020, vol.6, no.1
Special Section: CNS's 8th International Conference on Simulation Methods in Nuclear Science and EngineeringAdriaan Buijs; Eleodor Nichita20202020, vol.6, no.1
Fueling Machine Model for Simulation of Spent Fuel Behavior in Postulated Fuel Handling AccidentsL. Y. Huang; H. Z. Fan; M. Maltchevski; A. Ranger20202020, vol.6, no.1
A New Global Variance Reduction Technique Based on Geometry and Energy Splitting/RouletteZ. Zheng; R. Li; Y. Zhou; Q. Mei; L. Deng20202020, vol.6, no.1
Theoretical Development of Cross Section Uncertainty Library for Core SimulatorsDongli Huang; Hany S. Abdel-Khalik20202020, vol.6, no.1
Application of Cross Sections Uncertainty Propagation Framework to Light and Heavy Water Reactor SystemsDongli Huang; Hany S. Abdel-Khalik20202020, vol.6, no.1
Multiscale Mesoscale Modeling of Porosity Evolution in Oxide FuelsM. J. Welland; K. D. Colins; N. Ofori-Opoku; A. A. Prudil; E. S. Thomas20202020, vol.6, no.1
Estimation of Flow-Accelerated Corrosion Rate in Nuclear Piping SystemIndranil Hazra; Mahesh D. Pandey; Mikko I. Jyrkama20202020, vol.6, no.1