
刊名Journal of nuclear engineering and radiation science


2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023

2022, vol.8, no.1

The ASME Nuclear Engineering Division Celebrates the 7th Year of the JournalSchultz, Richard R.20222022, vol.8, no.1
Professor Igor Leonardovich Pioro on His 65th Birthday 20222022, vol.8, no.1
Reviewer's Recognition 20222022, vol.8, no.1
EditorialPioro, Igor L.20222022, vol.8, no.1
History of the ESFR SMART ProjectGuidez, Joel20222022, vol.8, no.1
Optimization of the European Sodium Fast Reactor Secondary Sodium Loop as Part of the ESFR-SMART ProjectBodi, Janos; Mikityuk, Konstantin; Girardi, Enrico; Guidez, Joel20222022, vol.8, no.1
Burn-Up Dependent Modeling of Fuel-to-Clad Gap Conductance and Temperature Predictions for Mixed-Oxide Fuel in the ESFR-SMART CoreLavarenne, Jean; Bubelis, Evaldas; Davies, Una; Gianfelici, Simone; Gicquel, Solène; Krepel, Jiri; Lainet, Marc; Lindley, Ben; Mikityuk, Konstantin; Murphy, Christophe; Perrin, Benoit; Pfrang, Werner; Ponomarev, Alexander; Schubert, Arndt; Shwageraus, Eugene; Van Uffelen, Paul20222022, vol.8, no.1
Special Issue: EU ESFR-SMART ProjectWord From the Horizon: 2020 EU ESFR-SMART Project CoordinatorMikityuk, Konstantin20222022, vol.8, no.1
Greetings From the Chair of the JSME Power Energy Systems Division (PESD)Masakazu, Hisatsune20222022, vol.8, no.1
Guest Editorial by Gilles RodriguezRodriguez, Gilles20222022, vol.8, no.1