
刊名Energy Research & Social Science

Energy Research & Social Science能源研究与社会科学2023~2024


2020 2021 2022 2023

2022, vol.83 2022, vol.84 2022, vol.85 2022, vol.86 2022, vol.87 2022, vol.88
2022, vol.89 2022, vol.90 2022, vol.91 2022, vol.92 2022, vol.93 2022, vol.94

Which policy instruments promote innovation in renewable electricity technologies? A critical review of the literature with a focus on auctionsPablo del Rio; Christoph P. Kiefer20222022, vol.89
From tweets to insights: A social media analysis of the emotion discourse of sustainable energy in the United StatesJacqueline Corbett; Bastin Tony Roy Savarimuthu20222022, vol.89
Comparing sustainability transition labs across process, effects and impacts: Insights from Canada and SwedenJohan Holmen; Stephen Williams; John Holmberg20222022, vol.89
The role of human influences on adoption and rejection of energy technology: A systematised critical review of the literature on household energy transitionsKevin Chadwick; Rebekah Russell-Bennett; Nicholas Biddle20222022, vol.89
Comparing coal and 'transition materials'? Overlooking complexity, flattening reality and ignoring capitalismAlexander Dunlap; Diego Marin20222022, vol.89
On the reduced supply chain risks and mining involved in the transition from coal to windJim Krane; Robert Idel20222022, vol.89
The paradox of mini-grid business models: A conflict between business viability and customer affordability in rural IndiaVenkata Bandi; Tiia Sahrakorpi; Jukka Paatero; Risto Lahdelma20222022, vol.89
Beyond technology: A research agenda for social sciences and humanities research on renewable energy in EuropeS. Krupnik; A. Wagner; O. Vincent; T. J. Rudek; R. Wade; M. Misik; S. Akerboom; C. Foulds; K. Smith Stegen; C. Adem; S. Batel; F. Rabitz; C. Certoma; J. Chodkowska-Miszczuk; M. Denac; D. Dokupilova; M. D. Leiren; M. Frolova Ignatieva; D. Gabaldon-Estevan; A. Horta; P. Karnoe; J. Lilliestam; D. Loorbach; S. Muhlemeier; S. Nemoz; M. Nilsson; J. Osicka; L. Papamikrouli; L. Pellizioni; S. Sareen; M. Sarrica; G. Seyfang; B. Sovacool; A. Telesiene; V. Zapletalova; T. von Wirth20222022, vol.89
Keeping the forest above to phase out the coal below: The discursive politics and contested meaning of the Hambach ForestCarina Liersch; Peter Stegmaier20222022, vol.89
Natural gas as a barrier to sustainability transitions? A systematic mapping of the risks and challengesHanna Brauers20222022, vol.89