
会议名7th Regional Accounting Conference (KRA 2020): Innovation in Accounting Learning and Practices for Increasing Accountants Competence Towards Golden Indonesia 2045, Mbois Ker!
会议日期20-21 October 2020
会议地点Malang, Indonesia

Determinants Intellectual Capital of Banking Companies in IndonesiaPrasetyono; Elvia Anggraeni; Ardi Hamzah; Frida Fanani Rohma; Erfan Muhammad2021
Intangible Assets, Research & Development Intensity, and Firm Value with Firm Performance as an Intervening VariableIda Subaida; Lita Permata Sari2021
Effectiveness of Accounting E-Book Oriented to Problem-Based Learning ModelDwi Puji Astuti; Kardiyem; Saringatun Mudrikah; Slamet Fauzan2021
The Announcement of an Increase in Cigarette Excise Rates and Its Implication Towards Indonesia Capital MarketMartin Hansel; Tabita Prajogo; Tarsisius Suganda2021
Vocational Reforms Increasing Graduates Absorption in the Industry WorldAdeh Ratna Komala; Angky Febriansyah2021
Political Connection, Corporate Governance, and Firm Value: Indonesian EvidenceSiti Rochmah Ika; Zulkarizki Rachmanti; Joko P Nugroho; Wika Harisa Putri2021
Analysis of Financial Management in Rahayu Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) Montong Gamang Village Central Lombok Regency: Analisis Pengelolaan Keuangan Pada Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Bumdes) Rahayu Desa Montong Gamang Lombok TengahBaiq Tesya Ramadina; Ihyaul Ulum2021
Interpreting Qardhul Hasan Between Business and Islamic Corporate Social ResponsibilitySulis Rochayatun; Muchammad Zaky Sayugo2021
The Effect of Earning Management on Firm Value and Good Corporate Governance as a Moderating VariableSri Wahjuni Latifah; Fina Novitasari2021
Effect of the Application of North Malang Service Application (APEL MALANG) and Tax Service Quality on Taxpayer's Compliance: Study on Taxpayers at KPP Pratama Malang UtaraAprin Diah Pangestuty; Makaryanawati2021
Identification of Corporate Value Through the Good Corporate Governance Mechanism: Banking in Indonesia 2015-2018Tatas Ridho Nugroho; Rini Armin; Marisha Khanida2021
The Role of New Public Management (NPM) on the Relation of Government Internal Control System (SPIP) With Public Organizational PerformanceNur Hayati; Noer Aviana2021
The Effect of Company Size, Company Performance and Exposure to Media Exposure Availability of Environmental InformationHamid Nazamuddin; Siti Suharni; Syarifah Ratih Kartika Sari2021
Determinants of Going Concern Opinions on Insurance Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock ExchangeVika Alifta Yuliadini; Diana Zuhroh2021
The Effect of Local Own Income and Transfer Funds on Fiscal Independence with Capital Expenditures as an Intervening VariableDamita Damayanti; Anwar Made; Ati Retnasari2021
Can Accounting Practices, Interests, and Motivations Increase Work Readiness for Prospective Accountants?Salma Faundria Nagari; Surya Seno Pamungkas; Ika Kristianti2021
Religiosity and Experience Encourage Student Intention to Become EntrepreneurAgung Dwi Nugroho; Faishal Prahatma Ganinda; Kahfi Fikrianoor; Amir Hidayatulloh2021
The Consumer Behavior Among Muslim Millennials in Buying Sharia Stock in the City of KudusBayu Tri Cahya; Farah Nadifa; Muslim Marpaung; Luqmanul Hakiem Ajuna2021
Effect of Diversification Strategy, Directors Compensation, Managerial Ownership and Company Sizes on Company PerformanceHendronoto Hadi Wibowo; Lodovicus Lasdi2021
Building A Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility Conceptual Model Based on Harmonic Cosmological Philosophy and Priest Heliocentric Al GhazaliAde Manggala Hardianto; Basuki; Bonnie Soeherman2021