
文集名Financial Cryptography and Data Security
会议名27th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC 2023)
机构International Financial Cryptography Association (IFCA)
会议日期May 1-5, 2023
会议地点Bol, Brac, Croatia

SNACKs for Proof-of-Space BlockchainsHamza Abusalah2024
Proof of Necessary Work: Succinct State Verification with Fairness GuaranteesAssimakis Kattis; Joseph Bonneau2024
Proof of Availability and Retrieval in a Modular Blockchain ArchitectureShir Cohen; Guy Goren; Lefteris Kokoris-Kogias; Alberto Sonnino; Alexander Spiegelman2024
Limits on Revocable Proof Systems, With Implications for Stateless BlockchainsMiranda Christ; Joseph Bonneau2024
State Machines Across Isomorphic Layer 2 LedgersMaxim Jourenko; Mario Larangeira2024
Get Me Out of This Payment! Bailout: An HTLC Re-routing ProtocolOguzhan Ersoy; Pedro Moreno-Sanchez; Stefanie Roos2024
Extras and Premiums: Local PCN Routing with Redundancy and FeesYu Shen; Oguzhan Ersoy; Stefanie Roos2024
An Efficient Algorithm for Optimal Routing Through Constant Function Market MakersTheo Diamandis; Max Resnick; Tarun Chitra; Guillermo Angeris2024
Leveraging the Verifier's Dilemma to Double Spend in BitcoinTong Cao; Jeremie Decouchant; Jiangshan Yu2024
On the Sustainability of Bitcoin Partitioning AttacksJaehyun Ha; Seungjin Baek; Muoi Tran; Min Suk Kang2024
Demystifying Web3 Centralization: The Case of Off-Chain NFT HijackingFelix Stoger; Anxin Zhou; Huayi Duan; Adrian Perrig2024
Defending Against Free-Riders Attacks in Distributed Generative Adversarial NetworksZilong Zhao; Jiyue Huang; Lydia Y. Chen; Stefanie Roos2024
Dissecting Bitcoin and Ethereum Transactions: On the Lack of Transaction Contention and Prioritization Transparency in BlockchainsJohnnatan Messias; Vabuk Pahari; Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran; Krishna P. Gummadi; Patrick Loiseau2024
Forsage: Anatomy of a Smart-Contract Pyramid SchemeTyler Kell; Haaroon Yousaf; Sarah Allen; Sarah Meiklejohn; Ari Juels2024
Understanding Polkadot Through Graph Analysis: Transaction Model, Network Properties, and InsightsHanaa Abbas; Maurantonio Caprolu; Roberto Di Pietro2024
Estimating Patch Propagation Times Across Blockchain ForksSebastien Andreina; Lorenzo Alluminio; Giorgia Azzurra Marson; Ghassan Karame2024
DeFi and NFTs Hinder Blockchain ScalabilityLioba Heimbach; Quentin Kniep; Yann Vonlanthen; Roger Wattenhofer2024
Cryptoeconomic Security for Data Availability CommitteesErtem Nusret Tas; Dan Boneh2024
Kadabra: Adapting Kademlia for the Decentralized WebYunqi Zhang; Shaileshh Bojja Venkatakrishnan2024
Optimality Despite Chaos in Fee MarketsStefanos Leonardos; Daniel Reijsbergen; Barnabe Monnot; Georgios Piliouras2024