
文集名Direct and Large Eddy Simulation XIII - Proceedings of DLES13
会议名13th ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation (DLES 13)
机构European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (ERCOFTAC)
会议日期26-28 October 2023
会议地点Udine, Italy

Dynamics of Turbulent Kinetic Energy Advection in a Turbulent Boundary Layer Under Unsteady Pressure GradientsF. Ambrogi; U. Piomelli; D. E. Rival2024
DNS of the Flow About a 5:1 Rectangular Body with Sharp CornersR. Corsini; A. Cimarelli; E. Stalio2024
In-Situ Analysis of Backflow Events and Their Relation to Separation in Wings Through Well-Resolved LESF. Mallor; J. Liu; A. Peplinski; R. Vinuesa; R. Orlu; T. Weinkauf; P. Schlatter2024
Large-Eddy Simulations of the Accelerating Flow Around a Square CylinderA. Mariotti; S. Brusco; G. Lunghi; G. Piccardo; M. V. Salvetti2024
DNS and POD Analysis of Separated Flow in a Three-Dimensional DiffuserA. Miro; B. Eiximeno; I. Rodriguez; O. Lehmkuhl2024
Large-Eddy Simulations of the Flow Around Rectangular Cylinders of Different Chord-to-Depth Ratios: Impact of Upstream-Edge SharpnessM. V. Salvetti; G. Lunghi; M. Morello; A. Mariotti2024
Reynolds-Number Effects of Separating Flow over a Bump in Spanwise Rotating ChannelsB. Savino; D. Patel; W. Wu2024
Effect of Variable Density on Subgrid ScalesA. Abba; M. H. Aliyoldashi; A. Cimarelli; M. Germano2024
DNS of Mass Transfer in Bi-dispersed Bubbly Flows in a Vertical PipeN. Balcazar-Arciniega; J. Rigola; A. Oliva2024
Application of LES to the Thermal-Hydraulics of Target Station 2 of the ISIS Muon and Neutron SourceG. Cartland-Glover; S. Rolfo; D. R. Emerson; D. Wilcox; D. Blanco-Lopez; L. G. Jones; D. M. Jenkins; S. Jago2024
Modulation of Turbulence Flux Budgets by Varying Fluid Properties in Heated High Prandtl Number FlowC. Irrenfried; H. Steiner2024
A Posteriori LES of Forced Convection Along Heated and Cooled Walls with Temperature-Dependent Fluid PropertiesL. Sufra; H. Steiner2024
Wind Gust-Induced Flutter of an Elastically Mounted Airfoil: A Fluid-Structure Interaction Study Based on LESK. Boulbrachene; M. Breuer2024
Euler-Lagrange LES Predictions of a Powder Disperser Including a Multiscale Wall-Impact Breakage ModelAli Khalifa; Michael Breuer2024
A Four Mixture Fraction FPV-LES for the Co-firing of Coal and AmmoniaD. Meller; L. Engelmann; S. -J. Baik; A. M. Kempf2024
Large Eddy Simulation of a Low Pressure Turbine Cascade with Turbulent End Wall Boundary LayersC. Morsbach; M. Bergmann; A. Tosun; E. Kugeler; M. Franke2024
Modelling SGS-Turbulent Transport of Fine Particles with Application to Cyclone Separator PerformanceM. Sommerfeld; M. A. Taborda; O. Sgrott2024
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Oscillatory Flow Through a Hexagonal Sphere PackL. Unglehrt; M. Manhart2024
High-Fidelity Large-Eddy Simulation of a Pulsed Jet ActuatorOzgur Yalcin; Xavier Gloerfelt; Georges Saliba; Ahmad Batikh; Lucien Baldas2024
Transition and Acoustic Excitation of Stenotic Pipe Flows at Different Reynolds NumbersA. Abdelsamie; S. -R. Koh; G. Janiga; D. Thevenin2024