
文集名AAAI Technical Tracks (Game Theory and Economic Paradigms; Humans and AI; Intelligent Robots; Knowledge Representation and Reasoning)
会议名38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-24), 36th Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-24), 14th Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI-24)
机构Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
会议日期20-27 February 2024
会议地点Vancouver, Canada

Analytically Tractable Models for Decision Making under Present BiasYasunori Akagi; Naoki Marumo; Takeshi Kurashima2024
Optimistic Policy Gradient in Multi-Player Markov Games with a Single Controller: Convergence beyond the Minty PropertyIoannis Anagnostides; Ioannis Panageas; Gabriele Farina; Tuomas Sandholm2024
Improved Metric Distortion via Threshold ApprovalsElliot Anshelevich; Aris Filos-Ratsikas; Christopher Jerrett; Alexandros A. Voudouris2024
Fair Lotteries for Participatory BudgetingHaris Aziz; Xinhang Lu; Mashbat Suzuki; Jeremy Vollen; Toby Walsh2024
Envy-Free House Allocation under Uncertain PreferencesHaris Aziz; Isaiah Iliffe; Bo Li; Angus Ritossa; Ankang Sun; Mashbat Suzuki2024
Content Filtering with Inattentive Information ConsumersIan Ball; James Bono; Justin Grana; Nicole Immorlica; Brendan Lucier; Aleksandrs Slivkins2024
Nearly Equitable Allocations beyond Additivity and MonotonicitySiddharth Barman; Umang Bhaskar; Yeshwant Pandit; Soumyajit Pyne2024
Principal-Agent Reward Shaping in MDPsOmer Ben-Porat; Yishay Mansour; Michal Moshkovitz; Boaz Taitler2024
Enhancing the Efficiency of Altruism and Taxes in Affine Congestion Games through SignallingVittorio Bilo; Cosimo Vinci2024
Approval-Based Committee Voting in Practice: A Case Study of (over-)Representation in the Polkadot BlockchainNiclas Boehmer; Markus Brill; Alfonso Cevallos; Jonas Gehrlein; Luis Sanchez-Fernandez; Ulrike Schmidt-Kraepelin2024
Completing Priceable Committees: Utilitarian and Representation Guarantees for Proportional Multiwinner VotingMarkus Brill; Jannik Peters2024
Stability in Online Coalition FormationMartin Bullinger; Rene Romen2024
Participation Incentives in Approval-Based Committee ElectionsMartin Bullinger; Chris Dong; Patrick Lederer; Clara Mehler2024
Low-Distortion Clustering with Ordinal and Limited Cardinal InformationJakob Burkhardt; Ioannis Caragiannis; Karl Fehrs; Matteo Russo; Chris Schwiegelshohn; Sudarshan Shyam2024
Efficient Learning in Polyhedral Games via Best-Response OraclesDarshan Chakrabarti; Gabriele Farina; Christian Kroer2024
Proportional Aggregation of Preferences for Sequential Decision MakingNikhil Chandak; Shashwat Goel; Dominik Peters2024
How to Make Knockout Tournaments More Popular?Juhi Chaudhary; Hendrik Molter; Meirav Zehavi2024
1/2 - Approximate MMS Allocation for Separable Piecewise Linear Concave ValuationsChandra Chekuri; Pooja Kulkarni; Rucha Kulkarni; Ruta Mehta2024
Dynamic Budget Throttling in Repeated Second-Price AuctionsZhaohua Chen; Chang Wang; Qian Wang; Yuqi Pan; Zhuming Shi; Zheng Cai; Yukun Ren; Zhihua Zhu; Xiaotie Deng2024
The Complexity of Computing Robust Mediated Equilibria in Ordinal GamesVincent Conitzer2024