
文集名AAAI Special Track (Safe, Robust and Responsible AI Track)
会议名38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-24), 36th Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-24), 14th Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI-24)
机构Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
会议日期20-27 February 2024
会议地点Vancouver, Canada

ImageCaptioner~2: Image Captioner for Image Captioning Bias Amplification AssessmentEslam Abdelrahman; Pengzhan Sun; Li Erran Li; Mohamed Elhoseiny2024
A Framework for Data-Driven Explainability in Mathematical OptimizationKevin-Martin Aigner; Marc Goerigk; Michael Hartisch; Frauke Liers; Arthur Miehlich2024
On the Importance of Application-Grounded Experimental Design for Evaluating Explainable ML MethodsKasun Amarasinghe; Kit T. Rodolfa; Sergio Jesus; Valerie Chen; Vladimir Balayan; Pedro Saleiro; Pedro Bizarro; Ameet Talwalkar; Rayid Ghani2024
Risk-Aware Continuous Control with Neural Contextual BanditsJose A. Ayala-Romero; Andres Garcia-Saavedra; Xavier Costa-Perez2024
Robust Uncertainty Quantification Using Conformalised Monte Carlo PredictionDaniel Bethell; Simos Gerasimou; Radu Calinescu2024
CCTR: Calibrating Trajectory Prediction for Uncertainty-Aware Motion Planning in Autonomous DrivingChengtai Cao; Xinhong Chen; Jianping Wang; Qun Song; Rui Tan; Yung-Hui Li2024
Rethinking the Development of Large Language Models from the Causal Perspective: A Legal Text Prediction Case StudyHaotian Chen; Lingwei Zhang; Yiran Liu; Yang Yu2024
Truth Forest: Toward Multi-Scale Truthfulness in Large Language Models through Intervention without TuningZhongzhi Chen; Xingwu Sun; Xianfeng Jiao; Fengzong Lian; Zhanhui Kang; Di Wang; Cheng-Zhong Xu2024
Constrained Meta-Reinforcement Learning for Adaptable Safety Guarantee with Differentiable Convex ProgrammingMinjae Cho; Chuangchuang Sun2024
Conformal Prediction Regions for Time Series Using Linear Complementarity ProgrammingMatthew Cleaveland; Insup Lee; George J. Pappas; Lars Lindemann2024
TTTS: Tree Test Time Simulation for Enhancing Decision Tree Robustness against Adversarial ExamplesSeffi Cohen; Ofir Arbili; Yisroel Mirsky; Lior Rokach2024
Find the Lady: Permutation and Re-synchronization of Deep Neural NetworksCarl De Sousa Trias; Mihai Petru Mitrea; Attilio Fiandrotti; Marco Cagnazzo; Sumanta Chaudhuri; Enzo Tartaglione2024
Stability Analysis of Switched Linear Systems with Neural Lyapunov FunctionsVirginie Debauche; Alec Edwards; Raphael M. Jungers; Alessandro Abate2024
Robustness Verification of Multi-Class Tree EnsemblesLaurens Devos; Lorenzo Cascioli; Jesse Davis2024
P2BPO: Permeable Penalty Barrier-Based Policy Optimization for Safe RLSumanta Dey; Pallab Dasgupta; Soumyajit Dey2024
Trade-Offs in Fine-Tuned Diffusion Models between Accuracy and InterpretabilityMischa Dombrowski; Hadrien Reynaud; Johanna P. Muller; Matthew Baugh; Bernhard Kainz2024
From Hope to Safety: Unlearning Biases of Deep Models via Gradient Penalization in Latent SpaceMaximilian Dreyer; Frederik Pahde; Christopher J. Anders; Wojciech Samek; Sebastian Lapuschkin2024
Automatically Testing Functional Properties of Code Translation ModelsHasan Ferit Eniser; Valentin Wustholz; Maria Christakis2024
A Simple and Yet Fairly Effective Defense for Graph Neural NetworksSofiane Ennadir; Yassine Abbahaddou; Johannes F. Lutzeyer; Michalis Vazirgiannis; Henrik Bostrom2024
Invisible Backdoor Attack against 3D Point Cloud Classifier in Graph Spectral DomainLinkun Fan; Fazhi He; Tongzhen Si; Wei Tang; Bing Li2024