



2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

2001, vol.101, no.115 2001, vol.101, no.180 2001, vol.101, no.309 2001, vol.101, no.397 2001, vol.101, no.41 2001, vol.101, no.433
2001, vol.101, no.506 2001, vol.101, no.609 2001, vol.101, no.706

Attempt of information ethics education with web based-CAI at college of technologyTadahiro Kaneda; Sankichi Takahshi; Ken'ichi Kitano20012001, vol.101, no.180
Construction and activities of new type class rooms for engineering education using multi-media materials in Gifu national college of technologyKihachiro Taketomi; Toshio Usui; Ryouichi Shibata; Taichi Kameyama; Masayuki Okugawa; Toshinori Deguchi; Tako Suzuki; Masamitsu Kosaki20012001, vol.101, no.180
Development of the adaptive self-learning support system via the Internet - a sequencing method of learning materialsKazuya Seki Tomoya Saito; Toshio Okamoto20012001, vol.101, no.180
Construction of learning management system for self-learning via the InternetTomoya Saito; Kazuya Seki; Toshio Okamoto20012001, vol.101, no.180
The development of subject discrimination methods for educational web resources and their performanceMinoru Nakayama; Yasutaka Shimizu20012001, vol.101, no.180
Distance education in higher educationYasutaka Shimizu20012001, vol.101, no.180
A new business model of a university developed with E-learningKomatsu Hidekuni20012001, vol.101, no.180
Development of web based training material auto-generation systemTakeshi Tamura; Kuniho Sobajima; Tadayoshi Hisakuni; Jin Sugawara; Keisuke Sasaki20012001, vol.101, no.180
Construction of web-based image retrieval and sharing system for digital-archive of valuable cultural materialAtsuhiro Kojima; Takao Miyamaoto; Toshiko Tomisaka; Rieko Koike; Keizo Ishii; Misako Yamano20012001, vol.101, no.180
Construction of streaming movie database for interactive movie utilizationYoshitomo Yaginuma20012001, vol.101, no.180